[Guide] How to port latest MIUI Rom For your device

16:52 Alex 18 Comments

Many porters are not able to port MIUI Rom.... I will give a guide to port MIUI 7 ROM to any Mediatek Device With Kitkat firmware... This guide is for porters only who already have basic knowledge of porting and works for MIUI 6 also...It Will Also Work  For Noobs[maybe]

- Basic Knowledge about porting and boot.img editing using android kitchen. 
- Use onliy TWRP/CTR Recovery.
-Any MIUI 7 or MIUI6 Rom of same chipset as your device



-Extract both roms to different folder... Setup Android Kitchen.


-Bin Folder: Replace vold,sdcard from stock to port.

-Libs Folder: Open port libs folder and delete /hw folder.... Now replace /hw folder libcameracustom.so, libcameraservice.so, libfeatureio.so, libMali.so and libshowlogo.so from stock to port.

-etc Folder: Open port etc folder and delete /firmware and /mddb folder... Replace /firmware & /mddb from port to stock... if u dont have mddb folder in stock leave it...

-Vendor Folder: Open port vendor folder and delete /lib and /media folder...replace /lib and /media folder from stock to port.

-Xbin Folder: Replace libmnlp_mt65xx according to your chipset and mnld from stock to port rom.

Build.prop : Open build.prop and edit device name with urs .... Finding the correct lcd density is a big problem ... Try 210 first ... change it if u have dpi issues (Dont set below 210).


- Open updater script and change mountspace id (mmcblkpxx) as per ur device.. U can find it using MTK Droid Tool.


- Unpack boot.img of both stock and port rom using android kitchen... We have to recompile port rom boot.img so unpack boot.img of port rom from working folder.

- Copy ZImage from Stock and replace in port.

- Copy sepolicy from stock ramdisk to port.

- Open uevent.rc of both roms in notepad++ and copy any additional lines from port to stock... use any text compare tool to find additional lines.. don't delete any lines only add lines from port... Now replace uevent.rc from port with stock rom uevent.rc(The one u added lines from stock)

- Repack port rom boot.img and move it to port folder.

- Replace #camera lines of init.rc from stock to port if u get camera error/ green camera.
- If u Get Sdcard /Internal memory not mounting issue.... Rename init.no_ssd.rc of stock boot.img to init.ssd.rc and replace it in init.ssd.rc of port boot.img.j v


- Now compress the port rom into .zip and flash on your device. Njoy!!!


- Same as Other KK Roms... If u have any issues comment below...biggrin


  1. Hi! I want to port a lolipop based rom for my mt6572 kitkat,rom likes:blispop,remix ressurection,cynanogenmod rom which is made for mt6572.
    I tried to port using some guide,but. not booting,
    Please help me.I want to port these rom
    Please give me a guide and I don't know the correct guide for porting boot.img.I can unpack boot.img using apktool
    Please help me.
    For contract :

  2. 1)Bro,I use your guide but not work.

    2)I ported a cm12 rom for my mt6572 kitkat

    3)Both of rom was same chipset and same kernal

    4)I replace some file/folder of system stock to port using your guide.After I unpack stock & port (means cm) boot.img using apktool.After I copy stock kernal and paste it to port,then I repack.After I edit in updater-script(both number was same)

    5)After I compressed to zip,then wipe data,dalvik cache, partition, and then flash the rom using philz recovery.Result I got bootloop

    6)After I unpack boot.img and use stock ueventd.rc
    and repack and compressed and flash.But result again I got bootloop

    7)Then I extract and copy stock lib/androidruntime.so,androidserver.so,media_jni.iso to port and again flash,Then I got bootloop

    8)Then I use stock boot.img and flash.Result,I got bootloop

    Please help me,

    1) I used android phone
    2) I don't have pc
    3) Please help me

    1. First of all the guide you are commenting on is to port miui not lollipop.
      Lollipop guide it here.

      How To Port Lollipop/Marshmallow ROMs for MTK

      ^4) Use Android Kitchen to port boot.img. apktool do not work properly.
      Steup andoid kitchen and Cygwin in Windows
      I have never used apktool to port boot.img. And honestly it is not recommended by any dev to use apktool to port boot.img. Apktool was made to decompile APK's not image files.

      ^6) With ueventd.rc also try to replace 'storage.xml' in framework-res.apk.

      ^7) Below mentioned files will be enough to boot the rom.

      a. hwcomposer.mt65xx.so <--- File
      b. libmali.so <--- File
      c. -system/etc/firmware <-- Folder
      d. -system/lib/modules* <--- Folder
      e. Open system/lib/hw <--- Folder(mearge)

      ^8 Stock boot.img will not work on CM rom's.
      if you have any other cm rom ported for your device.[Same version(12.1)(5.1.1)]
      you can try to use that boot.img.

      Without proper boot.img you will never be able to boot any CM rom.
      you can use your friends pc to port boot.img.

    2. Apktool is wrong decompiling boot.imgs so try to use this tool.https://mega.co.nz/#!ytJgARDQ!23UOMxHxitw3UpwH7tBK4Kd1bpgMWl5P9ewjPsiZg3Q

  3. I ported and booted but ther is no walpaper no status bar plaese help

    1. mehmet,please can you tell me, how can i use the tool for boot.img porting?

  4. Replies
    1. what happens when you changed DPI. from the picture you have given it clearly looks like an DPI issue. try the DPI from both stock and port rom. Is it a miui rom?

  5. i work all setups but my phone is bootloop what should i do ???

  6. I am a getting a problem on:lewa os,miui and color os rom-
    Main problem is :after booting,i am getting a message like unfortuantly.xxx.has stopped ,i cant open file manager
    I decompiled and recompiled framework-res apk & replace storage-list.xml
    But not working
    I also wipe cache,data,system etc,but not fixing
    I did not getting these problem on lolipop based rom
    My phone chipset:mt6572

  7. Bro..can i use this guide for porting to spreadtrum device

    1. No, this method will not work for spreadtrum devices.

  8. Will this guide work for kk based MIUI 9 or 8 too? Because I will port it for my regular using driver. Please suggest if you found any success on that rom. TIA

  9. HI. Alex. I wanna try to port Multirom Miui 8/MiuiPro 8 based on Redmi note 2 mt6797 lollipop 5.0 to my mt6753 kernel 3.10.65. Will you please provide for miui in porting lollipop to lollipop stock rom.

    Thank you.

    1. Batter try porting roms from the same chipset as your device.
      Porting roms from different chipsets dont always work. even if you manage to boot the rom somehow you'll have hard time solving bugs.



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