Ultimate Battery Saving Guide For All Android Devices - Part Two - Greenify

15:58 Alex 0 Comments

This article is a part of our ultimate battery saving guide if you came directly on this page the head over to the

Thanks to @oasisfeng for such an awesome app.The latest 2.9.2beta update brings the feature to disable the motion scanning in doze.

You can use Greenify to hibernate apps that are not in use.You can use Donation Package of Greenify which includes lots of features.Once you have a Donation Package with you,you need to activate the Greenify Xposed Module in Xposed. Once done, enable the Boost mode and Experimental Features.See attached screenshots.
Greenify the apps that eatup battery by running in background(Refer BBS)

Below are some of the major drainers:

  1. Browser
  2. Facebook
  3. Facebook Messenger
  4. Google+
  5. Hangouts
  6. Hike
  7. Instagram
  8. Maps
  9. UC Browser
Marshmallow Settings

@oasisfeng introduced a new feature in Greenify 2.9 beta 1 which disables the "Motion Sensing" of doze.This can be achieved by turning ON the "Aggressive Doze" in Greenify settings.Unlike the default behaviour of doze,the device won't be kicked out of doze when a motion is detected.This helps in complete utilization of "doze".All you have to do is to enable the "Aggressive Doze" option in Greenify settings.See the attached screenshots.

Apps to be whitelisted in doze are being tested.You can also contribute in testing


Aggressive Doze

There's no need to hibernate all the apps.Do not Greenify Dialer or Messaging apps

After settings things as above head to the next section of the guide



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