Ultimate Battery Saving Guide For All Android Devices - Part Six - Known Issues

17:50 Alex 0 Comments

This article is a part of our ultimate battery saving guide if you came directly on this page the head over to the

Delayed PUSH Notifications: If you encounter any delayed Push Notification from any app after using this thread,try PushNotificationFixer (PNF).If the problem persists.

SystemUpdateService Wakelock: If you are affected by SystemUpdateService wakelock issue.Use this fix here
For more easy fix for the same issue.See here

MobileRadioActive Bug: If AndroidOS the top consumer during idle(as shown in the inbuilt battery stats) and the 'Mobile Radio Active' shows high numbers,you can use this Xposed Module to fix the issue.

Android Marshmallow only
WiFi battery drain reportedHigh WiFi drain,even while it is turned off in Settings.


Go to Settings>Location>Scanning(top right)>Wifi Scanning (disable it) & Bluetooth Scanning (disable it as well)
Credits to @Primokorn for sharing.
@chamonix for BetterBatteryStats
@rovo89 @romracer and @C3C076 for Xposed Framework
@oasisfeng for Greenify
@cryptyk for Amplify
@caspase for AppOpsXposed
@waylaidwanderer for Power Nap
@andQlimax for PNF 

Read all sections of guide carefully before posting any quary. If you are having any issues after following the GUIDE, Read in Comment section On main page and see if someone had the issue and is already solved.This saves your time and mine too.

I am not responsible if you use this and brick your device or if your device blows up, implodes, flames start shooting from it, or it kills your neighbor’s dog.. It was the other guy… I swear !

Did your phone's battery life got improved 

If you have any query's you can comment on the main page of this guide 


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